🚀Development Stages

I. Concept Development (Q3 2023)

  • Forming the initial game idea.

  • Defining the genre, target audience, and core game mechanics.

  • Developing conceptual design and key game features.

II. Game Design & Team Formation (Q4 2023)

  • Detailed description of all aspects of the game, including mechanics, storyline, visual style, and interface.

  • Developing diagrams and flowcharts explaining game processes.

  • Preparing specifications for further development.

  • Recruiting and attracting key specialists: game designers, programmers, artists.

  • Forming the core development team.

III. Planning and Pre-Production (Q1 2024)

  • Developing a project plan, including development, testing, and release stages.

  • Estimating resources, budget, and timelines.

  • Determining tools and technologies to be used.

IV. Early Prototype (Q2 2024)

  • Development of the game concept and initial game mechanics.

  • Start working on the game prototype and internal tests.

  • Creation of social media channels and initial community engagement.

  • Development of the White Paper and the first version of the tokenomics.

V. Prototype (Q3 2024)

  • Completion of 50% of the game.

  • Presentation of the first nation in the game.

  • Preparation of gameplay concepts and mechanic testing.

  • Creation of a focus group for surveys and community interaction.

  • Completion of the game prototype and beginning work on the alpha version.

  • Active promotion on social media and conducting the first AMA sessions.

  • Attracting new consultants and partners. Conducting the Seed funding round.

VI. Alpha (Q4 2024)

  • Completion of 70% of the game.

  • Presentation of the second nation in the game.

  • Completion of key mechanics and release of the first gameplay video.

  • Launch of the closed alpha version and conducting the first tests with the focus group.

  • Increasing social media activity and conducting additional AMA.

  • Conducting Private funding round and preparing for NFT sale.

VII. Beta (Q1 2025)

  • Completion of 90% of the game.

  • Presentation of the third nation in the game.

  • Release of the second gameplay video.

  • Testing and refining game mechanics based on feedback.

  • Public alpha version release with corrections based on feedback.

  • Initial beta testing for a limited number of users.

  • Conducting advertising campaigns and growing the community.

  • Attracting strategic partners and preparing for the next stage.

  • Attracting new investments through Strategic Round and first NFT sale starts.

VIII. Soft Launch (Q2 2025)

  • Completion of game and finalization of all game assets (sound, localization, interface, etc.).

  • Final refinement of game mechanics and development of additional content.

  • Launch of the beta version for a wider audience and release full cinematic trailer.

  • Launch of the soft launch version for a limited audience.

  • Supporting active community interaction and conducting additional AMA sessions.

  • Conducting large-scale advertising campaigns.

  • Preparing for soft launch through Public Sale.

IX. Global Launch (Q3 2025)

  • Global launch of the game and gaming platform.

  • Release of updates and new game assets.

  • Launch of new game mechanics and content.

  • Ongoing support and updates for the game.

  • Conducting large-scale advertising campaigns and events.

  • Attracting new partners and investors for the sustainable development of the project.

Last updated